Utility Release History

This displays utility Release History

Utility Name
Utility Release
Date/Time of Release
Release Notes
File Storage Utility 6/10/2022 12:51:43 PM Fixed Bug where pressing the "start copy" button would immediately finish, cancel button now works properly
Tyler Public Safety Services Utility 6/10/2022 8:20:55 PM Updated Targeted .Net Framework to match the rest of the utility suite, no functional difference
File Storage Utility 6/14/2022 2:11:11 PM Added code that keeps track of directory size on the receiving server, if the maximum allowed size of the FS drive it hit (5 GB remaining) the copy is stopped
File Storage Utility 7/11/2022 2:06:13 PM Removed "New World" from name to match Tyler Naming Convention, fixed error when detection drive space over UNC path, added code that ensures Destination and source paths are valid
Tyler Public Safety Services Utility 7/13/2022 8:18:38 PM Removed "New World" from utility name, replaced with "Tyler Public Safety. Works exactly the same as version
Quick Client Utility 7/26/2022 1:33:37 PM Initial Release - Added to API for upgrade Testing
Quick Client Utility 7/26/2022 1:36:36 PM Initial Release - Updated Version for update testing
Quick Client Utility 8/11/2022 1:00:19 AM Updaing to keep in line with Mark's manual Release
Tyler Public Safety Services Utility 9/19/2022 3:34:38 PM Added log back up when "Delete Server log on Stop" check box is checked. Logs will be backed up to C:\NWS Install\LogBackUp
Tyler Public Safety Services Utility 9/21/2022 1:05:58 PM Made the "Show Services" window larger in order to display 4 enrolled servers (up from 2)
File Storage Utility 9/29/2022 5:54:38 PM Added multi-threading to all copy types to better take advantage of modern multi-core processors
File Storage Utility 11/1/2022 5:58:37 PM Removed the "options" menue item as it's configuration is not used
Prod to Test Utility 1/1/2023 6:57:00 PM January Release - Initial Addition to API for testing
Prod to Test Utility 1/14/2023 7:36:03 PM January Release - now able to back up DBs, either in Parallel or in Series depending on CPU utilization at the time.
Prod to Test Utility 1/21/2023 8:14:50 PM January Release - Improved logic for parallel DB back backup, improved logging and error handling, added in capability to get services and stop services on servers, added capability to store server and environment data in DB, simplified labels on DB connection view
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